Monthly Archives: October 2015

Book to the Face? Poster!

If the gibberish-like title didn’t draw you in, then maybe the following information will:

We’ve now added an updated Facebook page, which can be found here (! Like the page, or bookmark it, or file it, or whatever people do with unbelieveably awesome Facebook pages, so that you can get the most current information about Can You Hear Me Now?

But that’s not all – now you can download, print, and post your very own copy of the poster promoting our monthly open mic/solo poetry slam that’s being held at Loft 112 (#112 – 535 8 Ave SE, Calgary) at 6:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of every month between November and April! (Try saying that 3 times, fast.)

Monthly Poster

Be sure to share it with all of your friends. And share it with all of your enemies too, because enemies don’t become frenemies unless you do something nice for them, like sharing a phenomenal promotional poster!

Back and Better Than Ever!

Sorry for the long silence, slam fans, but we’re back and better than ever!

First and foremost, we’re going to be holding MONTHLY events in Calgary starting with an open mic on Tuesday, November 3! Admission is free, and it starts at 6:30 pm. You can sign up at the door or by sending an email to Richard Wagner ( (Out of courtesy to all poets, please limit performances to less than 5 minutes.)

Loft 112 (#112 – 535 8 Ave SE, Calgary) is hosting us, and ATB Financial is still generously sponsoring us!

We’ll be running an event on the first Tuesday of every month at Loft 112 (starting at 6:30 pm), with a monthly all-ages slam beginning (hopefully!) in December so polish up your best haikus, sonnets, or slam poems and be ready for some incredibly fun, supportive, and inspiring nights of poetry!

Second, check out the latest and greatest: the amazing logo design for this year, created by the winner of the 2015 design competition, Clarissa Noel of Lord Beaverbrook High School. It’s the beautiful piece of art in the top-ish, right-hand corner of this page (just to the right of the title of this blog).

And third, check back next week to see (and download your own copy of) the poster advertising all of the monthly Can You Hear Me Now? events for this season.

Our website will be getting updated much more regularly going forward, so check back every week for the latest news, tell all your friends to check back regularly, and be sure to subscribe to the Twitter feed: @HearMeNowYYC so you don’t miss any of the latest news.